Lex Wilson, actor
and TTRPG “Actual Play” performer/improviser/collaborative storyteller

Selected Projects
A mockumentary webseries about an environmental nonprofit. Free to watch online.
A found-footage horror film, premiered July 2020 in Quebec. Available to rent, purchase, or library-loan in the United States starting in 2021.
Free to watch if you have Amazon Prime. Free with ads on a few other platforms.
Full cast audio drama from Baen Books. My voice also “appeared” in Islands, another radio play from Baen.
Acting Reel
Resume / Casting Profiles
“Actual Play” Improv/TTRPG Performance
Star Wars: The Force Faithful
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go Star Wars Day “one shot” as part of a multi-network charity event benefiting Black Girls Code.
Game/System: Star Wars TTRPG from Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) with home-brew mods from the Genesys system
Number of Episodes: 1 (one shot/self contained story)
Network: Taletell Hearts
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Oops All Draculas
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go comedy-horror “one shot” in the tradition of “What We Do in the Shadows,” powered by the Oops, All Draculas TTRPG.
Part of the Pantsless Pride 2024 Charity Event on Twitch, benefitting Trans Lifeline.
Game System: Oops, All Draculas
Number of Episodes: 1 (one shot/self contained story)
Network: Pantsless Tables
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Entertainment Inc: A D&D Murder Mystery
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go horror “one shot” powered by the Dungeons and Dragons 5E TTRPG.
Game System: Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition
Number of Episodes: 1 (one shot/self contained story)
Originally streamed on Twitch as part of a charity stream benefitting Black Girls Code.
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Game System: Heart: The City Beneath
Number of Episodes: 4 (so far)
Network: Girls Run These Worlds
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go series of games/improvised storytelling adventures..
Streamed on Twitch on Saturdays in the Summer of 2024. Or catch each episode on YouTube:
Episode 1: Into the Unknown
Episode 2: What Would You Do for a Map?
Episode 3: Seek the Emissary
Episode 4: Crawl Out of Your Nightmare
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
The Old Stories: The Breathing Mountain
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go horror series powered by the Old Gods of Appalachia TTRPG.
Game System: Old Gods of Appalachia
Number of Episodes: 5 (so far)
Network: Lantern Light Adventures
Streamed on Twitch on Wednesdays in the Summer of 2024. Or catch each episode on YouTube:
Episode 1: The First Warning
Episode 2: Apples at the Crossroad
Episode 3: The Good and Terrible Deal
Episode 4: The Mountain Shudders
Episode 5: The Mountain Breathes
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
The North Star
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go folklore-punk series, powered by the Wanderhome TTRPG, playing/improvising a three episode series of stories..
Game System: Wanderhome (with some original home-brew elements)
Number of Episodes: 3
Network: Nerds with Dice
Streamed on Twitch on Tuesdays in November 2023. Watch all episodes on YouTube:
Episode 1: Orphan Moon’s Court
Episode 2: Night of the Gifts
Episode 3: A Dragon’s Farewell
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Hallows Veil
Alex and friends in an “Actual Play” make-it-up-as-we-go horror series, powered by the Kids on Bikes TTRPG* (think The Monster Squad, Stephen King’s It, Stranger Things, etc), playing/improvising an epic, ten episode series of stories.
Part of The Misadventurers League network.
Game System: Kids on Bikes
Number of Episodes: 10
Network: The Misadventurers League
Streamed on Twitch on Wednesdays (final episode Dec 15, 2023!) until we’re all dead. Watch previous episodes on YouTube:
Episode 1: Preview to the End
Episode 2: Twisted Hearts
Episode 3: The Game Revealed
Episode 4: Game Night
Episode 5: Consequences
Episode 6: Redux
Episode 7: Contact
Episode 8: Punchline
Episode 9: 5-A-Side
Episode 10: The Big Game
*TTRPG = Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Will I appear in your project?
See the section of my About page for info on casting Alex.